My exhibition The Sex Lives of Animals inspired an interest in the wild world of diversity that exists in the natural and animals kingdoms. In some ways it's even juicier than what humans are able to get away with.
Turtle Sex at JFK
Last week Kennedy Airport in New York experienced some delays as turtles began covering the runway. On their way to their seasonal breeding grounds, female turtles crawl out of the Jamaica Bay, the waterway surrounding the airport, in search of a higher ground location to lay their eggs. Many of these turtles appreciate the sandy spot which is on the other side of Runway 4L. This is not the first time this has happened, in 2009 more than 78 turtles appeared on the tarmac and had to be returned to the water.
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A Bug with Singing Penis
The Micronecta scholtzi, has a "singing penis" and is the loudest animal in the world relative to size. As Odd New Lite reports "Reaching 99.2 decibels, that's the sound is equivalent to listening to an orchestra play loudly while sitting in the front row. And not too shabby for a 2mm insect." What is amazing is how this insect makes the sound, by rubbing its penis against its abdomen, a process called stridulation. This research is brought to us by the University of Strathclyde