"Sinner's Grand Tour" and a Royal Sex Chair

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFsY7Vf74mE?wmode=transparent]


If there is a book in my hand 9 out of 10 times it is about sex....so with a long plane ride of 15 hours  last week, my carry on bag was full of books on the topic, which is best way to get attention from the person sitting next to you. This past trip I had the Sinner's Grand Tour: A Journey Through the Historical Underbelly of Europe by Tony Perrottet to accompany me, a book that combines two of my largest interests, sex and travel. I have long been fascinated by this topic and the intrigues of the Grand Tour, which for those unfamiliar was a glorified gap year for the elite of Europe, who were meant to be traveling in search of culture, more often than not finding themselves in search of sex.

Perrottet takes us on his tour, stopping by locations such as the château of the Marquis de Sade, now owned by fashion icon Pierre Cardin, as well as the Stufetta del Bibbiena, a pornography-covered bathroom painted by Raphael in 1516, which just happens to be in the Pope's apartments in the Vatican. While he stops at sites of former sex clubs from centuries ago, peeks into library collections with numerous items made out of pubic hair, the clip above shows his excitement in finding the famous sex chair commissioned by King Edward VII. Take a look at the map of Perrottet's trip:


This is the perfect book to accompany you on your summer travels. To learn more: www.sinnersgrandtour.com