For a Non-Traditional Valentine's Day...

Valentine’s Day makes some people want to throw up. And some people like the scheduled nature of dedicating one day out of the year to the pursuits of cupid. Sometimes the position depends on whether or not you are in a relationship when the calendar strikes 14, either way here are some non traditional ways to indulge:


Nice Tits Heart Candy: Make sure you know your audience. This adult themed valentine candy ended up in a bag of traditional sweets that elementary kids give to their classmates.

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Love in a Tree Note: Don’t show your love by hurting a real tree, carve your name in the virtual variety.

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Heart Cupcakes: If you are looking to get down to the essence of loving someone with all of your heart, these anatomically correct cupcakes pay tribute to the organ responsible for the typical valentine’s symbol.

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Angry Birds Valentine’s Version: I do have a secret late night addiction to Angry birds…but probably not the best gift if you don’t want your partner distracted for hours on end.

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Dirty Rotten Flowers; And of course, some times the best valentine’s gift is to someone you no longer love. Dirty Rotten Flowers will help you out, sending not only dead flowers to this individual, but you can intensify your message by including a dismembered teddy bear.

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Which ever path you choose, Happy Valentine’s Day!