Today is dedicated to the penis...


Penis Map: Men can submit the words they use to describe their penis based on region in the UK. Some of my personal favorites include: Spunk Trumpet, Hooded Bandit, The Destroyer, Giggle Stick, Gandalf and the Sperm Taxi. Submit yours at:


Penis Tattoos: Some people actively seek tattoos of penises and tattoos on their penises, while some are given penis tattoos without their permission. Last year, an Australian tattooist was charged with assault after putting a 40cm or 14 inch penis tattoo on the back of a friend he had recently had an argument with. To read more:


Penis Worship: The Phallus is worshipped in many cultural traditions. In Bhutan “Phallus paintings and wood carvings were ubiquitous, like red chilies", but due to an influx of tourism and urbanization, a period of self-censorship is occurring. Phallic imagery and sculptures are all over Bhutan, thought to protect homes and families from evil spirits while simultaneously promoting fertility."Flying phalluses are also tributes to the adored religious teacher and master of mahamudra Buddhism, Drukpa Kunley, colloquially known as “The Divine Madman” or “The Saint of 5,000 Women,” who was born in 1455 and promoted a form of Buddism in which he offered blessings in the form of sex. "Today hundreds of childless Bhutanese couples make pilgrimages to the “fertility temple,” Chimi Lhakhang, where a Buddhist monk blesses them with a wooden phallus."

Check out the rest of this article to learn more about Drukpa Kunley and look through the beautiful photo spread of the phallic symbols of Bhutan:


The World Wide Leader in Dong Shots is the title of a recent GQ article about AJ Daulerio of and his escapades as a journalist, including his payment of $12,000 to a source that provided him with voicemails and photos Brett Favre took of his penis and sent to Jet's sideline reporter, Jenn Sterger.
A very interesting read: