[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGr8vl0vlfg?wmode=transparent]
Transgender Awareness Week:
Within the spectrum of diversity that exists in sexual orientation and identity, the trans community is often the least understood by the mainstream. As with anything, less exposure and education can lead to fear, and unfortunately violence. Not only is this week dedicated to raising transgender awareness, it is also a time of remembrance for those that have been killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. In 1998, the murder of Rita Hester, inspired the creation of "Remembering Our Dead" a web project and vigil originating in San Francisco in 1999, which has now grown nationally.
Chaz Bono in many ways has become the most well known transgender individual, using his fame for advocacy. While Chaz is an eloquent voice for the community, it is also important to understand the struggles of those that live outside of this limelight. From military veterans trying to negotiate their new transgender identities to transgender pastors fearing the stripping of ordination and those losing their employment due to gender reassignment surgery, the politics of discrimination toward transgender individuals is great.Many misunderstand what it means to be transgender, wanting to simply make it about attraction, while at it's heart being transgender is more about gender identity. As Chaz Bono says in the video above: "Gender is between your ears, not between your legs"
To learn more about transgender awareness week: www.transequality.org
Same Sex E-Marriage:
While same sex marriage is one of the largest contemporary political issues in the constellation of sexuality, in the end it is more a conversation regarding equality. While same sex marriage is not currently recognized in many states, technology is being used as a tool to maneuver around these legislative obstacles. While an individuals own state may not recognize this union, an e-ceremony can be officiated by someone in a state that does recognize gay marriage via technologies such as Skype.
Even gaming technology is showing support for same sex marriages, as witnessed in Facebook's Fronterville created by Zynga, in which over 65,000 same sex marriages have been created. While some may dismiss this as just a game, it is reported by MSNBC that "320 million people have played a Zynga game, and the company has seen more than "3 million peak concurrent users" (that's users playing games at the same time). In fact, at any time during the day, at least four of your friends are playing one of their games, Pincus said."
And this past Thursday two male passengers were wed by the pilot on Virgin America Flight 28 while still in Canadian airspace, where gay marriage is legal. Following the announcement over the plane's speakers, it is reported the plane burst into a round of applause.
Amazon's Pedophile Guide:
Many were shocked when a kindle edition guide to pedophilia was released on Amazon.com. The book titled "The Pedophiles Guide to Love and Pleasure" was written by Phillip R. Greaves. While Amazon originally said they did not condone the content of the work, they did not intend to remove it as this would be an act of censorship. Public outcry through social media networks such as Twitter led to the books eventual removal. Change.org reported that while the book was pulled, it broke the Top 100 book list on Kindle, moving from its previous rating of #158,221 to #96.
To learn more about e-marriages:http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/11/14/will-e-marriages-be-the-next-big-thing-for-same-sex-couples/
To learn more about facebook game same sex marriages:
To learn more about the same sex marriage in mid air: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40255046/ns/us_news-life/
To learn more about the initial release of the guide: http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/pedophiles-guide-sparks-angry-criticism-of-amazon/19711138 and the response following its removalhttp://humantrafficking.change.org/blog/view/victory_amazoncom_pulls_pedophile_guide_from_kindle_store?me=nl