While celibacy is a requirement of the priesthood, Father Knotz is a 45 year old Polish priest who has been publishing an online sex guide Szansa Potkania translated as Chance to Meet since 2003. His writings, featured in his two books Sex is Divine and Sex as You Don't Know It: For Married Couples Who Love God try to unify sex and Catholicism, bringing up critical topics that are embarrassing for many. Father Knotz has become a sensation in Poland and throughout Europe for his advice, recently earning the nickname "Catholic Kamasutra." As a writer and lecturer he conducts retreats with married couples, instructing them on how to bring God into their sex lives.
Reporter Iva Skock for Globalpost describes his response to those that question his qualifications "He compensates for his lack of practical experience by reading books on the subject, going to seminars and listening to people. To hear him tell it, one doesn't need to have a heart attack to be a cardiologist."To read the full article: http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/poland/101015/catholic-priest-sex-guru?page=0,1 and to learn more about Father Knotz's philosophies visit http://www.szansaspotkania.net/index.php?page=6873